Monday 12 November 2012

3black and 2 white cap tricky puzzle

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3 black caps and 2 white caps
randomly 3 caps are chosen and A,B,C are made to wear
they are standing in que and A can see B nC , B can only see C and C cant see anyone
A is asked which cap are you wearing? Ans from A was he dont knw
B was asked which cap is he wearing? B answered I dont know
But when asked C , he gave the correct answer
The question was...which color cap was C wearing?

When A says he doesn't know it means that he doesn't see two white caps. That means he sees
1. Two black caps
2. One white cap and one black cap
In that context B knows that he's wearing a black cap if he sees C wearing a white cap. If B were to see C wearing a black cap he (B) wouldn't know the color of his cap. That is based on implications from A's answer.
Since B says he doesn't know the color of his cap it means that C wears a black cap.


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